Protecting your smile

What are Preventative Treatments?

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is vital for your long-term health. Regular visits to your dentist for a dental health review and to one of our hygiene therapists can keep your teeth and gums in excellent condition and help prevent problems developing.

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Dental hygiene and oral care demonstration
Dental hygiene therapy

Why choose Green Room Dental for Preventative Treatments?

Our knowledgeable caring dentists welcome patients of all ages, and are valued for high-quality and consistent care. They will closely monitor the health of your teeth and gums, and perform mouth cancer checks at all routine appointments.

Select from our preventative treatments:

Dentist examination

Dental Check Ups

Dental health reviews are an essential preventive step in keeping your mouth healthy, monitoring gum health and screening for oral disease and cancer. Regular reviews often mean less treatment and we catch problems early.

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Dental hygiene therapy

Hygienist Treatment

Hygienist treatments are appointments with our hygienists and therapists with the specific aims of keeping your teeth for as long as possible and preventing, controlling or curing gum disease.

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children dental uai


Good habits start young and if we get children off to a good start there is no reason they shouldn’t keep their teeth for a lifetime.

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Oral Health Tips

This is our resource for keeping your mouth and teeth in tip top condition. If there is anything else you need advice on just call, email or PM us.

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Dental Health Reviews

Most of us should see a dentist twice a year. Because we are all different, when deciding how often you need a dental health review we consider your unique mouth, hygiene, habits, and overall well-being. The longest we recommend is once a year if you have excellent oral hygiene and low rates of tooth decay.

What are Dental Health Reviews?

Dental health reviews are routine visits that consist of an examination of your mouth and teeth.

This often includes:

  • Talking to you about any concerns or wishes you may have
  • Screening for mouth cancer and oral disease
  • Assessment of gum health or gum disease
  • Checking the jaw joints
  • Looking for tooth decay – x-rays are used periodically to help us see deep into the teeth
  • Recording the extent of wear and tear to the teeth

Attending regular dental health reviews can prevent the need for dental treatments.

How much do dental health reviews cost?

£85 and if x-rays are taken then we charge £55 per set. Many of our patients find the best way to budget for this is with Denplan.

Man having dental x-ray

Your questions answered about Dental Health Reviews

Everyone should go for dental health reviews, young and old. These routine visits allow your dentist to find any dental problems and other oral health issues you might not have noticed. Without regular visits to the dentist, untreated conditions will likely become painful and difficult to treat down the road.‌
Letting your dentist regularly inspect your teeth and gums will also help to prevent problems. When your dentist checks for tooth decay and gives you specific instructions to improve your diet and oral hygiene habits, you are less likely to get tooth decay in the future.‌

A survey done in the UK revealed that children who only visited the dentist when they noticed a problem had more decaying teeth and fillings than children with regularly scheduled visits. Children who regularly visited the dentist also needed fewer teeth removed.‌

Another survey done with adults showed that those who had regular dental health reviews had significantly fewer teeth missing than those who went to see the dentist only for dental treatments. There are many factors that contribute to good oral health, but regular visits to the dentist are an essential part of keeping your teeth healthy and preventing problems.

It can be intimidating to go to the dentist, and this fear is what keeps a lot of people from visiting regularly. Knowing what will happen during your visit might make it a little easier to make an appointment and get in the reclining chair.

At your next dental health review, your dentist will:

  • Perform a thorough examination of your mouth, teeth, and gums
  • Ask questions about your overall health and any dental issues you’ve had since your last appointment
  • Ask questions about what you eat and your tobacco or alcohol use
  • Advise you on ways to improve your oral hygiene and general teeth-cleaning habits
  • Recommend treatment or other measures for dental problems, if necessary

At the end of the appointment, your dentist should suggest a date for your next visit. It might be sooner than six months, and it might be in a year. Your dentist will take into account your current oral health and risk of developing problems when scheduling your next dental health review.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question but usually every 6 to 12 months. Factors that affect how often you need to see the dentist include:

Lifestyle. If you drink or smoke often, you may need to see the dentist more frequently. Studies show that people who drink alcohol have a three times higher rate of permanent tooth loss than the national average in the United States. Tobacco usage is linked to common oral diseases like gum disease and increases your risk of mouth cancer tenfold.

Attitude. If you are dedicated to your oral hygiene, your oral health will be better than if you aren’t so diligent. The more you commit to keeping your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy, the less likely it is that you’ll need to see the dentist often. It is no secret that frequently consuming sugary food and drink leads to tooth decay.

Biology. There are certain things about your dental health that you simply won’t be able to change. If you’re prone to getting cavities, you’ll need to take extra steps to fight them. If you have a family history of certain oral diseases like gum disease, you’ll need extra attention from your dentist.

Why choose the Green Room for my Dental Health Reviews?

At Green Room Dentistry we put as much care and diligence into a dental health review as we do to other treatments. We are committed to fixing small issues before they turn into more complex problems.
It is testimony that very few of our elderly patients wear dentures as regular care has meant they have kept most of their teeth.

As you might guess we have a few extra tools at our disposal namely:

  • Our dentists all have well lit surgeries and use high magnification to examine your mouth in detail
  • Low dose digital x-ray technology
  • Specialised cameras for use in the mouth
  • CT scanner gives us accurate 3D images
  • Digital intra-oral scanner to accurately map the teeth – no more tooth moulds
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Hygienist Treatment

These are appointments with our hygienists and therapists with the specific aims of keeping your teeth for as long as possible and preventing, controlling or curing gum disease.

What are dental hygienist treatments?

Dental hygienists are mainly concerned with ‘preventive’ dental health – showing you correct home care and helping you to keep your teeth and gums healthy. This includes professionally cleaning your teeth by removing plaque and a calcified build up called tartar. As an added benefit they use a fine polishing paste or an air/water/bicarbonate polishing spray to remove stubborn stains.

Their most important role is showing you the best way to keep your teeth free of plaque. This is a sticky bacterial coating that forms constantly on your teeth, inflaming the gums and eventually calcifies into tartar.

Hygienists also give advice about diet, preventing tooth decay, tooth erosion and sensitivity.

How much does hygienist treatment cost?

£98 for maintenance, £135 for advanced and £199 for complex treatment. Many of our patients find the best way to budget for this is with Denplan.

Dental team in Newquay cleaning mans teeth

Your questions answered about Hygienist Treatments

As well as doing all the work that a dental hygienist does, a dental therapist can also carry out some dental procedures that patients are more used to a dentist doing. A dental therapist can do fillings, remove ‘milk’ teeth, place preformed crowns on milk teeth and do treatments using all the materials a dentist would use. As long as an adult tooth does not need treatment to the nerve of the tooth, a dental therapist can fill or restore any part of the tooth that needs treatment. They do not do restorations, such as crowns, to adult teeth.

Dental hygienists also take dental x-rays. The dentist will use these to help diagnose problems and decide on the possible treatment. Dental hygienists can also place fissure sealants, apply fluoride varnishes and administer fluoride treatments.

Tooth whitening is also often carried out by the dental hygienist, under a prescription from your dentist.

Regular professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar, combined with looking after your teeth and gums properly at home, will help keep your mouth healthy. A clean and healthy mouth will improve your appearance, help you to prevent tooth loss and give you fresh breath.

This is what the training of the hygienist is all about. They will carefully remove the hard deposits of tartar (or ‘calculus’) that build up on the teeth and teach you how to prevent them coming back. This will do a lot to slow the progress of gum disease.

By talking to you about your diet, and recommending other preventive measures, the hygienist can help you keep to a routine that will slow down or even prevent tooth decay. Regular visits and advice will help build your confidence in keeping your mouth healthy.

Adults who have a lot of decay can benefit from having fluoride applied. We often prescribe a high fluoride toothpaste called Duraphat 5000 as a further preventive measure.

They can also have anti-bacterial gels and solutions applied under the gum to kill the bacteria causing gum disease.

Another very important part of the hygienist’s work is coaching you how to look after your mouth at home. The hygienist may also suggest giving up smoking, as this will reduce staining and improve your general health.

Research has also shown that smokers have more gum disease and lose more teeth than non-smokers. Your hygienist will be able to advise you on various ways of giving up smoking. They can also give you special advice for home care if you have dental implants or orthodontic appliances.

Children can benefit from having their teeth polished. The hygienist can also apply fluoride varnishes to help prevent decay.

The permanent (or ‘adult’) back teeth can also benefit from having the biting surfaces sealed. This is done by applying a special plastic coating to the biting surface soon after the teeth come through. For more information, read this advice on pit and fissure sealants from the Oral Health Foundation.

Some dentists will do this type of work themselves. However, many now realise that the hygienist has been specially trained to carry out scaling and polishing and can spend longer with you. They are also expert at teaching you how to look after your teeth and gums. Often the hygienist will spend a number of appointments getting the gums healthy ready for the dentist to restore the teeth or place implants.

Scaling and polishing is usually pain free. However, if you do have any discomfort the hygienist can use anaesthetic creams, or give you some local anaesthetic. It is important that you let the hygienist know at the time so they can help with your pain.

You can do a lot to help yourself and the hygienist, as you are the one who looks after your mouth in between visits to the practice. Your hygienist will have shown you how to remove bio-film with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

They will also have shown you how to clean between your teeth with ‘interdental’ brushes, floss or tape.
There are many oral care products you can get, including specialist toothpastes, electric toothbrushes, and mouthwashes. Your hygienist will recommend those that are best for you.

We recommend that you follow three simple steps to help keep your teeth and gums healthy:

  • Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks.
  • Visit your dental team regularly, as often as they recommend.

Cutting down the amount of sugar in your diet, and the number of times that you eat during the day, can help to reduce decay. Your hygienist can help you by looking at your decay problem and your diet, and by making some recommendations for you to consider.

Why choose the hygiene team at Green Room Dentistry?

Quite simply we have assembled a team of hygienists who are passionate about what they do. They all have a slightly different approach but work to the same exacting standards. The team receive fantastic feedback on a daily basis. Our patients value the effort the team put in and gladly reciprocate by doing a great job with their brushing and flossing.

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If we get children off to a good start there is no reason they shouldn’t keep their teeth for a lifetime. If treatment is needed we do our upmost to make it a manageable experience and use safe, biocompatible materials and techniques.

Good habits start young

At Green Room Dentistry we treat up to 4 generations of the same family. We will often see babies before their first birthday just to get them used to the environment. It gives us chance to share with the parents or guardians some simple clear advice and pointers on dental hygiene and preventing tooth decay.

It is really rewarding watching our younger patients grow up and hearing about their achievements and adventures. They become comfortable in the practice environment so if treatment is needed they tend to deal with it really well.

We know that with good brushing technique and a healthy diet, children can grow up with no fillings and healthy gums. If treatment is needed we do our upmost to make it a manageable experience and use safe, biocompatible materials and tec

How much does Children’s dentistry cost?

We charge the same fees for children and adults as we see children’s dentistry as equally important.

Without doubt we recommend Denplan for Children. It includes one dental health review and one hygiene maintenance appointment or oral health education appointment per year.

Benefits include all necessary x-rays, fluoride application if required and 25% discount on all dental treatment.

Child in dental waiting lounge

Your questions answered about Children

Firstly seek medical advice if they have suffered a head injury or lost consciousness. Following this call us and we can give you advice. The right treatment in a timely manner can often save even badly damaged teeth. Green Room Dentistry subscribes to the Dental Trauma Guide giving us access to the most up to the minute, evidence based treatment protocols.

If the tooth is completely out then put it in milk or in your cheek to prevent it drying out. Call us immediately and we will see you as a matter of urgency. Many teeth have been saved by us over the years for lots of thankful children and parents.

Why choose Green Room Dentistry for your children?

Our philosophy at Green Room Dentistry is to keep your mouth healthy and we firmly believe that great teeth start with prevention of decay in children. We also know that bad childhood experiences can put people off dentists for life! Our dentists Sally and Clare are naturally gifted with children and can make even the most nervous child relax. They also help with special needs and phobic patients.

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Oral Health Tips

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Arrange a consultation and together we’ll find what’s right for you and your dental health.

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